Thanks for visiting. Please feel free to stay awhile. As you scroll down the page, you’ll find links to my most recent work as a contributing writer to Fortune. The articles are part of my goal as a 25-year emergency physician and journalist to share my knowledge of current topics in science and medicine, with the help of some of the world’s foremost authorities.
At left you’ll see my book, Runaway Medicine: What You Don’t Know May Kill You. Named an Amazon #1 Hot New Release upon publication, this is a deeply personal look at how unnecessary procedures and treatments cost you money without improving your life. Simply put, our healthcare system is broken — we overspend and underdeliver. Based on my experience as both a physician and a patient, Runaway Medicine will have you asking more questions and getting the answers you deserve. Order yours today.
Take good care. To your better health!
Two astronauts are stuck in space. Soon, the solution could be an elevator